July 27, 2024

Category: Community

Atheism, Community, Debates, Diversity, Feminism, Secular, Skepticism, Social justice

Hateful ideology is not just for religious fundamentalists

The Atlantic featured a vignette of a prominent Alt-Right Atheist Troll. Rather than being good without god; it seems some atheists reject religion and gravitate to hateful ideologies. My husband Aron Ra and others helped to build an atheist community. However, it seems that community can also be a  convenient audience for deceptive Anti-PC rhetoric and faux […]

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Atheism, Community, Debates, discussion, Morality, Podcasts, Politics, Secular, TEXAS

Can an Atheist Get Elected in Texas?

Seriously, what are Aron Ra’s chances for being elected as an open atheist in Texas? Anecdotally, we encountered these signs on our way back from Austin to interview former Democratic Texas State Senator,  ex-gubernatorial candidate, and role model -Wendy Davis. One of the more vocal constituents of Manheim, TX proudly displayed this on their property: A […]

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Atheism, Community, Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism, Geology, Politics, Secular, Skepticism, Young Earth Creationism

Announcing two new science series plus patron exclusive content

Happy New Year! Thanks to the generous support of our Patrons, I will begin two new science-related video series. I already released a new video called “How Meteorology Disproves Noah’s Flood.” It is the first in a new series about how various fields of study disprove the fable of the Noachian global deluge. Perhaps for […]

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Community, Podcasts, Politics, Secular

Secular Voter Election Viewing Party

This will end one way or another tomorrow. Patheos Atheists are doing live coverage of the election. Secular Voices will be hosting live tweets. Added so far are Andrew Hall (Laughing in Disbelief), Galen Broaddus (Across Rivers Wide), Stephanie Savage (Miracle Girl), Matthew Facciani (According to Matthew), Aron Ra and Lilandra Ra (Reason Advocates),  Luciano […]

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Atheism, Community, Diversity, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Rally, Secular, Social justice

If you needed another reason to go to Reason Rally…

More than a few atheists (unfortunately), who are angry at Reason Rally for standing up for Reproductive Rights and LGBTQ equality, are refusing to go.   I can’t say I will miss the unwarranted hostility because there will be plenty from creationists like Ray Comfort. Aron posted a video commenting on the diversity of viewpoints despite what anti-feminists […]

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Atheism, Community, Secular

Professor of Atheism?

So I just read in the New York Times that a wealthy atheist has donated a couple million dollars to the University of Miami -with the purpose of endowing the nation’s first academic chair for the study of atheism, humanism and secular ethics. Now, as an atheist activist as well as an advocate of reason […]

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