July 27, 2024

Category: Diversity

Atheism, Community, Debates, Diversity, Feminism, Secular, Skepticism, Social justice

Hateful ideology is not just for religious fundamentalists

The Atlantic featured a vignette of a prominent Alt-Right Atheist Troll. Rather than being good without god; it seems some atheists reject religion and gravitate to hateful ideologies. My husband Aron Ra and others helped to build an atheist community. However, it seems that community can also be a  convenient audience for deceptive Anti-PC rhetoric and faux […]

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Debates, Diversity, Morality, Social justice

What if David Dao had given up his seat?

How would the situation have changed if David Dao had given up his seat for United crewmembers as he was ordered to? Let’s start with the obvious. Obviously, he wouldn’t have gotten manhandled by airport police. Though the violence used to remove an elderly man wasn’t justified.  Yes. He wouldn’t now require surgery. In an hourlong news […]

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Diversity, Social justice, Young Earth Creationism

The Meaning of Race

Is race a biological or social construct? The word “race” as it is applied to describing ancestral traits in humans is notoriously difficult to disambiguate. The word itself is polysemous, or has different but related senses depending on the context of the discussion. The word “man” is also a polyseme that is ambiguous to the […]

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Atheism, Community, Diversity, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Rally, Secular, Social justice

If you needed another reason to go to Reason Rally…

More than a few atheists (unfortunately), who are angry at Reason Rally for standing up for Reproductive Rights and LGBTQ equality, are refusing to go.   I can’t say I will miss the unwarranted hostility because there will be plenty from creationists like Ray Comfort. Aron posted a video commenting on the diversity of viewpoints despite what anti-feminists […]

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Diversity, Media

Fox: South Carolina Attack on Faith not Race

When are the major media outlets going to call Dylann Storm Roof a terrorist for killing and terrorizing nine Black people? Fox News is appropriating this terrorist hate crime against a historic Black community church as an “attack on faith” instead. “Extraordinarily, they called it a hate crime,” Fox News host Steve Doocy noted. “Some […]

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Black Voices Matter

White allies may feel uneasy speaking with authority on the the spate of unjust decisions involving a mix of racist cops and unarmed black people. It is a difficult thing to do and hard to do well. One thing is for sure is that a black person can do a better job of speaking to […]

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