July 27, 2024

Category: Biology

Biology, Education, Young Earth Creationism

Noah’s Farce

After I finished the Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism video series, I considered doing another related series on the Noachian flood. I wanted to do separate episodes showing how meteorology disproves the flood, (by which I mean physics, really.) how geology disproves the flood, and how archaeology, anthropology zoology, and even mythology disprove the flood. I […]

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Biology, Politics, Young Earth Creationism

Pence the Dence

On July 11th 2002, Mike Pence, then representing Indiana’s 6th congressional district, testified before the House of Representatives that public schools should teach the theory of evolution as if it were only one of multiple hypotheses regarding the origins of species. Now that Trump the Chump has chosen Pence the Dense as his vice presidential […]

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Atheist Feminism, Biology, discussion

Secular Pro-Life “Fetus Worshippers”?

Should we defend freethinking spaces from anti-choicers like Secular Pro-Life? I wanted more information on this organization as I have seen them at conventions.  Lucky for me, I know you-tuber True Pooka, who as he will tell you, shares the same concern. He has more experience investigating anti-choice groups than I do. He has shown […]

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Apologetics, Atheist Feminism, Biology, Conference, Education, Events, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

Breaking Love and Reproductive Rights Out of the Christian Frame

I have been pleasantly surprised that the youtube comments on my speech on The Heart of Humanism at The Southern California Secular Humanism Conference are mainly addressing the topic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oJB0bH_1EQ Especially because I addressed how secularists need to examine where their beliefs about love in particular may be influenced by Christian culture such as ideas […]

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