July 27, 2024

Category: Geology

Atheism, Community, Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism, Geology, Politics, Secular, Skepticism, Young Earth Creationism

Announcing two new science series plus patron exclusive content

Happy New Year! Thanks to the generous support of our Patrons, I will begin two new science-related video series. I already released a new video called “How Meteorology Disproves Noah’s Flood.” It is the first in a new series about how various fields of study disprove the fable of the Noachian global deluge. Perhaps for […]

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Atheism, Geology, Politics, Young Earth Creationism

Morton’s Dementia

Back in the days of Usenet, one of the posters to Talk.Origins was a former creationist named Glenn Morton.  He is the author of a meme, Morton’s Demon which explained the sort of confirmation bias at work in the religious mindset.  This he had witnessed from within and without, and his story is an interesting […]

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