July 27, 2024

Category: Skepticism

Atheism, Islam, Skepticism, Uncategorized

An Infidel reads Sūras 76, 65, 98 & 59

This is the 55th part of this series, reading The Qur’an; A New Translation by Abdel Haleem. We’ll occasionally compare that to other translations and with tafsirs for clarification. We’re also reading each “chapter” [surah] in order of revelation [mostly] rather than the order in which they are typically printed. If you missed some of this series, you can see: my 1st post on […]

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Atheism, Community, Debates, Diversity, Feminism, Secular, Skepticism, Social justice

Hateful ideology is not just for religious fundamentalists

The Atlantic featured a vignette of a prominent Alt-Right Atheist Troll. Rather than being good without god; it seems some atheists reject religion and gravitate to hateful ideologies. My husband Aron Ra and others helped to build an atheist community. However, it seems that community can also be a  convenient audience for deceptive Anti-PC rhetoric and faux […]

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Apologetics, Skepticism

Scientific evidence of a soul?

Somehow I happened across a Facebook post criticizing me and anyone who “follows” me, whatever that means. I couldn’t comment on that thread, but it made some interesting claims that I think should be publicly addressed. The Question Evolution Project appears to be the same entity as the blog author, Piltdown Superman. So he is […]

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Atheism, Community, Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism, Geology, Politics, Secular, Skepticism, Young Earth Creationism

Announcing two new science series plus patron exclusive content

Happy New Year! Thanks to the generous support of our Patrons, I will begin two new science-related video series. I already released a new video called “How Meteorology Disproves Noah’s Flood.” It is the first in a new series about how various fields of study disprove the fable of the Noachian global deluge. Perhaps for […]

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Education, Secular, Skepticism, Young Earth Creationism

The TIES evolution education program

On the latest episode of the Ra-Men podcast, we interviewed Bertha Vazquez, Director if the TIES program (Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science), which is an educational program supported by the Richard Dawkins foundation, through which Bertha and other members of TIES give middle-school teachers the background they’ll need to teach evolution in an effective and […]

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Apologetics, Skepticism

Four Blood Moon Tetrad nonsense

I went to the American Atheist National Convention in Salt Lake City Utah in April of 2014. It’s funny because there was a ComiCon going on right across the street. A lot of them belonged with us -and visa versa. Patrick Stewart and William Shatner were both speaking there, but could just as well have […]

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