February 14, 2025

Category: Debates

Atheism, Community, Debates, Diversity, Feminism, Secular, Skepticism, Social justice

Hateful ideology is not just for religious fundamentalists

The Atlantic featured a vignette of a prominent Alt-Right Atheist Troll. Rather than being good without god; it seems some atheists reject religion and gravitate to hateful ideologies. My husband Aron Ra and others helped to build an atheist community. However, it seems that community can also be a  convenient audience for deceptive Anti-PC rhetoric and faux […]

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Atheism, Community, Debates, discussion, Morality, Podcasts, Politics, Secular, TEXAS

Can an Atheist Get Elected in Texas?

Seriously, what are Aron Ra’s chances for being elected as an open atheist in Texas? Anecdotally, we encountered these signs on our way back from Austin to interview former Democratic Texas State Senator,  ex-gubernatorial candidate, and role model -Wendy Davis. One of the more vocal constituents of Manheim, TX proudly displayed this on their property: A […]

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Debates, Diversity, Morality, Social justice

What if David Dao had given up his seat?

How would the situation have changed if David Dao had given up his seat for United crewmembers as he was ordered to? Let’s start with the obvious. Obviously, he wouldn’t have gotten manhandled by airport police. Though the violence used to remove an elderly man wasn’t justified.  Yes. He wouldn’t now require surgery. In an hourlong news […]

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Debates, Politics

Still Voting for Trump?

Who could have predicted the Donald Trump campaign could have sunk any lower going into the second presidential debate tonight? Perhaps, the 42 percent of Hillary Clinton voters in a 4-way match-up that includes third party voters according to Politico’s numbers. That now leaves 39 percent that still support Trump even after the release of […]

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Debates, Morality

Target loses significant business because of trans-friendly bathrooms

Unfortunately, it appears bigotry is a good business strategy as boycotts of Chick-fil-a for donating money to organizations that opposed same-sex marriage caused the opposite of the intended effect. Sales to Chick-fil-a actually soared 14 percent (edit)after the company defiantly supported the “biblical definition of marriage.” To make matters worse, a business, like Target, taking a pro-LGBTQ equality […]

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Debates, Feminism, Morality, Politics, TEXAS

Fact Checking Anti-Abortionist Carol Everett VS Lilandra Ra Debate

The United States has made some encouraging progress since I debated the question “Should Abortion be Legal?” Last year in October, I debated with staunch abortion opponent Carol Everett. Everett makes the rounds on conservative programs such as the 700 Club and Focus on the Family and also Fox News. Her group, the Heidi Group, networks and trains Crisis Pregnancy […]

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Apologetics, Debates

Dillahunty vs. Giunta: Did Jesus Rise from the Dead

Matt Dillahunty will debate Blake Giunta tonight at the Bible and Beer Consortium Debate Series.   This is RationalWiki’s opinion on their last debate about the existence of god.  Apparently, his opponent plays with probability in a way that weights his conclusions about god more heavily and discounts natural explanations while leaving out other possibilities. He […]

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Debates, Politics, Secular, Terrorism

Clinton: National Security Concerns

I have to agree with Bernie Sanders that I don’t give a damn about her damn emails, or Benghazi conspiracies either. This won’t be the type of post about some arcane conspiracy that an avid Alex Jones fan would obsess over.  Later, I will get to my concerns about Senator Bernie Sanders in the next […]

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