July 26, 2024

Category: Media

Diversity, Media

Fox: South Carolina Attack on Faith not Race

When are the major media outlets going to call Dylann Storm Roof a terrorist for killing and terrorizing nine Black people? Fox News is appropriating this terrorist hate crime against a historic Black community church as an “attack on faith” instead. “Extraordinarily, they called it a hate crime,” Fox News host Steve Doocy noted. “Some […]

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Asian, Debates, discussion, Diversity, Humanism, Media, Uncategorized

Asian Cultural Sensitivity 101: Why is Katy Perry’s “Geisha” performance considered racist?

I know no one asked me to weigh in on this, but what the heck. I am the resident East Eurasian here. Seriously though my social media is awash in East Asian outrage and also cultural insensitivity over Perry’s performance yesterday at the AMAs dressed in modified,sexy geisha apparel. There are a number of comments […]

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