July 27, 2024

Category: Humanism

Charity, Humanism

Secular Community Fundraiser for Orphans of the Smith Tragedy

Tomorrow night at 7:30 CST the (watch here:)Ra-Men Podcast will have guests on promoting the fundraiser for the three Smith children.  You can contribute here and the podcast will also donate its Patreon proceeds for the video  to the cause. Some background from the fundraising page from their uncle, Grant Brady: As many of you know, […]

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Atheism, Community, Diversity, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Rally, Secular, Social justice

If you needed another reason to go to Reason Rally…

More than a few atheists (unfortunately), who are angry at Reason Rally for standing up for Reproductive Rights and LGBTQ equality, are refusing to go.   I can’t say I will miss the unwarranted hostility because there will be plenty from creationists like Ray Comfort. Aron posted a video commenting on the diversity of viewpoints despite what anti-feminists […]

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Sharing Thanksgiving with Syrian Refugees

Obviously not in the way the original colonists, many refugees from religious persecution, did to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  But like Abraham Lincoln did on the first official Thanksgiving in celebration and gratitude  that Gettysburg, the deciding battle of the American Civil War was over. Although the Syrian Civil War ravaging people’s lives is […]

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Diversity, Humanism, Politics

Texas: Not ready for a progressive woman Governor

During the election coverage and Republican acceptance speeches there was a real element of attributing the takeover of Congress to President Obama even though he wasn’t on the ballot. There are already congressmen who pledge to prosecute him for abusing executive orders even though he issued less of these than George W. Bush. As a […]

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