July 27, 2024

Category: Rally

Atheism, Community, Diversity, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Rally, Secular, Social justice

If you needed another reason to go to Reason Rally…

More than a few atheists (unfortunately), who are angry at Reason Rally for standing up for Reproductive Rights and LGBTQ equality, are refusing to go.   I can’t say I will miss the unwarranted hostility because there will be plenty from creationists like Ray Comfort. Aron posted a video commenting on the diversity of viewpoints despite what anti-feminists […]

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Politics, Rally, Secular

I should have promoted this event better than I did

I very much enjoyed the Secular Rally this weekend in Tallahassee, Florida.  I thought it was very well arranged.  There were plenty of good presenters, several tents and tables representing secularism, atheism, and aspects thereof.  They provided porta-potties, two food wagons, lots of amplification and recording equipment, and everything one should have considered to put […]

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Events, Politics, Rally, Secular

Florida Secular Rally

Whenever I post some prior notice of some event I intend to attend, my wife says it looks like I’m ‘pimping’ myself.  If I don’t do that, then people complain that they live down the street from whatever it is and are mad that they didn’t know about it in time.  I got several messages […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Events, Politics, Rally, Secular

Don’t blame the atheists

How often do you get microphone from the steps of the state capital, right? Here is a link to the recordings wherein our governor, Rick Perry declared ‘spiritual warfare’ against secularists and atheists. http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/perry-christian-warriors-spiritual-warfare-satan-separation-church-state  

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