July 27, 2024

Month: November 2014


Tune in live: Texas Textbook Wars with Zack Kopplin

Zack Kopplin, wonderkind  of the creationism textbook wars, is livetweeting the the Social Studies textbook hearings. He is enduring the inanity like a champ, so you don’t have to. Aron couldn’t make it as he is on the last leg of his journey on his motorcycle across the deserts of West Texas.  This part in […]

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Diversity, Humanism, Politics

Texas: Not ready for a progressive woman Governor

During the election coverage and Republican acceptance speeches there was a real element of attributing the takeover of Congress to President Obama even though he wasn’t on the ballot. There are already congressmen who pledge to prosecute him for abusing executive orders even though he issued less of these than George W. Bush. As a […]

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This so much this is why your vote matters! Fortunately, you don’t have to give blood anymore. At least not in the U.S., just some of your time. Vote for those whose votes have been suppressed. The polls are open here until 7:00 PM. We completely understand what it feels like here in Texas not […]

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Do NOT tell me that your vote doesn’t count. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t be getting automated phone calls from the Republican party every single fucking day to tell us what godless baby-eating commies their opposition is, and “somebody please fear for our children”.Why do you think they do all that gerrymandering? Why did they […]

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The Religious Wrong

So Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with terminal, irreversible, and inoperable brain cancer. She suffered increasingly frequent and longer seizures, and increasingly severe head and neck pain, and even stroke-like symptoms. So she made the wholly understandable decision to bypass the otherwise inevitable agony to herself and to her helpless loved ones. She chose to end […]

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Telephoned Campaign Propaganda

I just got a recorded phone call saying that Wendy Davis, (Texas’ Democratic candidate for governor) promotes abortion, “at any time, for any reason”, and that she opposes “common-sense” legislation limiting abortions after 20 weeks, “when the fetus would feel excruciating pain”. Obviously this came from the campaign to elect Greg Abbott. I hate when […]

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