September 14, 2024

Tune in live: Texas Textbook Wars with Zack Kopplin

Zack Kopplin, wonderkind  of the creationism textbook wars, is livetweeting the the Social Studies textbook hearings. He is enduring the inanity like a champ, so you don’t have to.

Is this a McCarthy witch hunt?
Is this a McCarthy witch hunt?

Aron couldn’t make it as he is on the last leg of his journey on his motorcycle across the deserts of West Texas.  This part in particular would get his goat if he was there…

I don't understand the founding of our government, and I don't want kids to either.
I don’t understand the founding of our government, and I don’t want kids to either.

It would be funny if they weren’t serious about teaching this to millions of students as fact. If you would like to watch the shenanigans yourself  there is a livestream.

One thought on “Tune in live: Texas Textbook Wars with Zack Kopplin

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