July 27, 2024

Year: 2014


Keeping some perspective

I think it ironic that my critics so often accuse me of demanding that everyone in this movement must agree on every point. Because I’ve never said anything like that.  Quite the reverse in fact. For example, I’m constantly accused of having said that “you’re either feminist or you’re sexist”, even though that’s not what I […]

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Black Voices Matter

White allies may feel uneasy speaking with authority on the the spate of unjust decisions involving a mix of racist cops and unarmed black people. It is a difficult thing to do and hard to do well. One thing is for sure is that a black person can do a better job of speaking to […]

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Whether black lives matter against Police force

Tonight the Ra-Men talk to Bria Crutchfield, president of Black Nonbelievers of Detroit – on how racism is disproportionately imposed by police, prosecution, and imprisonment.  We’ll also talk to her associate, Evette Stanton who lives in Ferguson Missouri.  And we’ll talk to James Croft, who was actually involved in the most recent riots there.   You […]

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Tune in live: Texas Textbook Wars with Zack Kopplin

Zack Kopplin, wonderkind  of the creationism textbook wars, is livetweeting the the Social Studies textbook hearings. He is enduring the inanity like a champ, so you don’t have to. Aron couldn’t make it as he is on the last leg of his journey on his motorcycle across the deserts of West Texas.  This part in […]

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Diversity, Humanism, Politics

Texas: Not ready for a progressive woman Governor

During the election coverage and Republican acceptance speeches there was a real element of attributing the takeover of Congress to President Obama even though he wasn’t on the ballot. There are already congressmen who pledge to prosecute him for abusing executive orders even though he issued less of these than George W. Bush. As a […]

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This so much this is why your vote matters! Fortunately, you don’t have to give blood anymore. At least not in the U.S., just some of your time. Vote for those whose votes have been suppressed. The polls are open here until 7:00 PM. We completely understand what it feels like here in Texas not […]

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Do NOT tell me that your vote doesn’t count. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t be getting automated phone calls from the Republican party every single fucking day to tell us what godless baby-eating commies their opposition is, and “somebody please fear for our children”.Why do you think they do all that gerrymandering? Why did they […]

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