October 26, 2024

Tag: Abortion

Debates, Feminism, Morality, Politics, TEXAS

Fact Checking Anti-Abortionist Carol Everett VS Lilandra Ra Debate

The United States has made some encouraging progress since I debated the question “Should Abortion be Legal?” Last year in October, I debated with staunch abortion opponent Carol Everett. Everett makes the rounds on conservative programs such as the 700 Club and Focus on the Family and also Fox News. Her group, the Heidi Group, networks and trains Crisis Pregnancy […]

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Atheist Feminism

Anti-choicers Faux Concern for Women.

Beth Presswood, of the podcast Godless Bitches and Atheist Experience, has started a new blog with a take-down of another  specious argument that abortion somehow demeans women. She is a dear friend, and her rants against anti-abortion quackery sites like Life Action News, which she calls ” Lie Action News” are not only amusing but […]

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Atheist Feminism, Politics, Secular

Should Abortion Be Legal?

People have been able to get safe, legal abortions in the U.S. for over 40 years now. Ever since, Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, abortion rights have been a political football, where our politicians play a game with the health and welfare of millions to score political points. This political season has been the worst […]

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Feminism, Secular

More Good News from SCOTUS for Pro-Choice Advocates

Good News for Pro-Choice Texans and the rest of states affected by Draconian abortion clinic regulations. The Supreme Court has granted a stay to allow Texas’s 18 remaining clinics to stay open until it decides whether it will hear testimony on how Texas HB2 puts an undue burden on the ability to obtain a safe, […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Debates, discussion, Events, Humanism, Politics, Secular

Secular Pro-Life Same Old Scare Tactics

If I were to tell you that a purportedly secular anti-abortion group was engaging in the very same fear mongering and harassment of abortion providers that the largely Christian dominated pro-life groups do; would you be surprised? The True Pooka’s final report on Secular Pro-Life’s tactics is posted. In addition to the other tactics Pooka documented, the group […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Charity, Debates, discussion, Diversity, Education, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

What really matters…The So-Called Secular Arguments Against Choice

It is often difficult and awkward to move disagreements forward to where they become productive in the insular, organized atheist community. Especially for a family that is as actively involved as the Ra family, because a lot of times we know and like and often respect the people involved on a personal level. And to […]

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Apologetics, Atheist Feminism, Biology, Conference, Education, Events, Feminism, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

Breaking Love and Reproductive Rights Out of the Christian Frame

I have been pleasantly surprised that the youtube comments on my speech on The Heart of Humanism at The Southern California Secular Humanism Conference are mainly addressing the topic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oJB0bH_1EQ Especially because I addressed how secularists need to examine where their beliefs about love in particular may be influenced by Christian culture such as ideas […]

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