July 27, 2024

Month: March 2014


Madness Mayhem HIV charity

I’m doing another charity telethon this weekend, Saturday / Sunday http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vrKxPIXdUA I’m really no good at these. If I knew how to talk people out of their money, I wouldn’t always be in the red like I am.  So what I need is for people who have money to wait until 5:00pm Sunday, when it’s […]

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The Unbelievers

Next week, Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss will tour the US to personally host special screenings of ‘The Unbelievers’. A few months ago, Krauss and I were having breakfast in Oklahoma City, and he was telling me about his new movie.  I remember remarking that when Dawkins and Krauss are in a movie, it’s produced […]

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Secular Pro-Life “Holocaust Baiting” Post 2

The second post looking at Secular Pro-Life’s tactics is up. I hope that informing the community about what they advocate will provide information about SPL for our community to make up their own minds. This series will show that the people at SPL aren’t critical thinkers and haven’t earned the title “freethinker.” To that aim, […]

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Atheist Feminism, Biology, discussion

Secular Pro-Life “Fetus Worshippers”?

Should we defend freethinking spaces from anti-choicers like Secular Pro-Life? I wanted more information on this organization as I have seen them at conventions.  Lucky for me, I know you-tuber True Pooka, who as he will tell you, shares the same concern. He has more experience investigating anti-choice groups than I do. He has shown […]

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22 questions for ‘evolutionists’ -answered

Ever since I saw that Buzzfeed article, ‘22 Messages From Creationists To People Who Believe In Evolution‘, I wished I could talk to each of those poor, misguided people. I mean, many of them seem like nice genuine folks, but they’ve all been deceived by the charlatans of religion, and that is very sad.  What […]

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Atheism, Atheist Feminism, Charity, Debates, discussion, Diversity, Education, Humanism, Morality, Politics, Secular

What really matters…The So-Called Secular Arguments Against Choice

It is often difficult and awkward to move disagreements forward to where they become productive in the insular, organized atheist community. Especially for a family that is as actively involved as the Ra family, because a lot of times we know and like and often respect the people involved on a personal level. And to […]

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The Place with the New Covenant Group

I was recently on two episodes of ‘the Place’ with Dr & Mrs Jones of the New Covenant Group. First they talked just with me. That went pretty well, so I joined the panel for the evening show. I very much enjoyed participating in the show, and I applaud the effort behind maintaining an interfaith […]

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