July 27, 2024

Year: 2018


Of Knights and Knaves

I recently had a video exchange debate with a convicted fraud and charlatan who calls himself “Dr Dino”. That playlist is here. My opponent, Mr Kent Hovind has no formal education, but he purchased a bogus PhD from an unaccredited degree mill, and has forever since touted the title “doctor” on everything he does. He […]

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A Primer on Scientific Theory

A troll on my videos dropped a few attempted stump questions in the comments, but this is an opportunity to share a summary explanation of a topic that often confuses the laity. 1. Are scientific theories ever proven? Not in the mathematics sense that scientists typically use, but they can be in a colloquial sense, […]

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Issues before and with Texas Board of Education

On September 11th, 2018, the Texas State Board of Education heard additional testimony following their last hearing in June: which itself was just a continuation of the same discussion from four years ago. My testimony then can be seen here. On each of these occasions, I was there to contest the Board’s continued attempts to […]

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Debatable Inquiry in a Church

A couple months ago, I heard from a church in Arizona that was looking for an “evolutionist” to participate in one of their scheduled events. It wasn’t described as a debate but as an “open discussion” with an “informal format” relating to evolution vs creationism, where me and some Christian apologist would “each share your […]

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Let’s get physicist

Seems everything I post about is based on comments or messages in my email. I’m sharing this latest message as a blog post on the expectation that someone who understands physics better than I do will either correct my ignorance of the subject or they’ll correct the sender of this message. Because I don’t know […]

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Saying Thanks Back

Yesterday I blogged about the type of criticism I most often read from believers commenting on my videos. I don’t just get complaints of course. There is another type of comment that I’ve often gotten. My new favorite example of that was in my inbox this morning and is copied below. I’m sure you get […]

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Ravings of yet another noob

Every day it seems I hear from some anonymous internet nobody who must never have spoken to an atheist before, because it’s always the same handful of fallacies. Today I got a massive block of text, one giant whole page paragraph of the same old nonsense; too much I think for a typical troll to […]

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Crisis of Faith in Flood Geology

I got an email from a Christian creationist having a crisis in faith, at least with regard to the creationist part of his beliefs. He said he wants to be honest and to have a “rational faith”, though he admits the irony in that phrase. He saw my video series disproving the Biblical flood and […]

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“Truth” in Texas Textbooks

Once again, my wife and I testified before the Texas State Board of Education in Austin; this time regarding the content of our Social Studies textbooks. To their credit, the board is now considering removing some things that we told them four years ago should not have been included in the first place. They want to […]

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