July 27, 2024

Month: September 2015

Atheist Feminism, Politics, Secular

Should Abortion Be Legal?

People have been able to get safe, legal abortions in the U.S. for over 40 years now. Ever since, Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, abortion rights have been a political football, where our politicians play a game with the health and welfare of millions to score political points. This political season has been the worst […]

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Apologetics, Skepticism

Four Blood Moon Tetrad nonsense

I went to the American Atheist National Convention in Salt Lake City Utah in April of 2014. It’s funny because there was a ComiCon going on right across the street. A lot of them belonged with us -and visa versa. Patrick Stewart and William Shatner were both speaking there, but could just as well have […]

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“In God We Trust” is Unconstitutional.

Here in Texas Christians love the national motto, so much that back in 2007 they chiseled and defaced the stone in our Senate chamber with it. The reasoning according to our now Lt. Governor Dan Patrick goes like this: “There will be times when all of us sit at our desk, and we’ll be able […]

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Asian, Social justice

Is Christianity Cultural Appropriation?

Cultural appropriation comes up in the news every now and again, and seems to provoke strongly worded opinions.  Miley Cyrus doesn’t appear to get it even after having had it patiently explained to her many times by people, who actually experience it.  A blog post I did 2 year sago about Katy Perry’s Geisha performance […]

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Richard Carrier’s mythicism

Not that long ago, I (like most people) thought that there was once a guy named Jesus, who was a 1st century cult leader and faith healing charlatan, and that his story was heavily embellished and exaggerated, blown out of all proportion -to become the legendary character on which all the various and conflicting denominations […]

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Tell us again why we can’t have good gun legislation

Perhaps there are good reasons that most  Americans should own guns, but I want stay on point here. And yes, I was raised in Texas so I am keenly aware that it would be next to impossible to disarm just this state alone. However, why is it even possible for a Right Wing terrorist group […]

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Homo naledi

  Science is supposed to be dispassionate, as part of being objective, but the media are quite the opposite.  Every time paleontologists find a fossil with particular significance, reporters say it will cause us to rethink what we thought we knew about evolution.  That’s what they said about Ardipithecus.  That’s what they said about Sahelanthropus […]

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Kim Davis: It’s not about you

Kim Davis emerged triumphantly to “Eye of the Tiger”, as if she went the distance, and now she is back on her feet after just 5 days in jail.  She insisted with tears in her eyes that: “I just want to give God the glory,” Davis said. “We serve a living God who knows exactly […]

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You better believe it …or else

Someone recently asked me whether there was anywhere other than Revelations 22:18-19 that talks about having to believe the whole Bible in order to get into Heaven.  Right there in the last chapter, it says not to add anything to the Bible nor take anything away from it.  But there are several other places where […]

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