October 24, 2024

Tag: Trump


Our Call to Congress to Impeach Trump was Simple

My husband Aron Ra and I had no trouble today calling the House Judiciary Committee about our concerns with Donald Trump. It was our first call that got through to an official.  Despite my phone anxiety, the process was not anything to worry about.  The phone person was polite but I did have to ask if I could […]

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Is there a good reason not to file for Trump’s impeachment?

With the metaphorical Doomsday Clock clicking just 2;30 minutes to nuclear destruction, is there a good reason out there not to start the impeachment proceedings against Trump? Let’s examine a couple of the reasons the House of Representatives maybe hasn’t started the bureaucratic wheels of impeachment ever so slowly grinding on this issue as the clock ticks away. […]

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Can you say President Trump?

Texas has cast their deciding electoral votes for our next President (Are you ready?) Donald J. Trump! What now if you took the obvious hints both pre and post election that this was most definitely not a good idea? First for people that voted for Trump celebrate or regret your folly. Trump overtly promises to be […]

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Community, Podcasts, Politics, Secular

Secular Voter Election Viewing Party

This will end one way or another tomorrow. Patheos Atheists are doing live coverage of the election. Secular Voices will be hosting live tweets. Added so far are Andrew Hall (Laughing in Disbelief), Galen Broaddus (Across Rivers Wide), Stephanie Savage (Miracle Girl), Matthew Facciani (According to Matthew), Aron Ra and Lilandra Ra (Reason Advocates),  Luciano […]

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Debates, Politics

Still Voting for Trump?

Who could have predicted the Donald Trump campaign could have sunk any lower going into the second presidential debate tonight? Perhaps, the 42 percent of Hillary Clinton voters in a 4-way match-up that includes third party voters according to Politico’s numbers. That now leaves 39 percent that still support Trump even after the release of […]

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Politics, Uncategorized

Trumpless Debate Tonight

In my opinion it is always a good idea to watch a presidential debate. Even though the GOP debates have been rancorous. At least tonight we won’t have to cringe at Trump bullying Jeb Bush. More information is always better though. One of the objections I often hear that sets my teeth on edge is […]

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