July 27, 2024

Month: January 2013


Icelandic Parliament passes life stance equality law

I got the following message from Thor Viðar Jónsson of Siðmennt.  We don’t hear about most of the cool stuff going on in Iceland, so I thought I would share. Today, January 30, 2013, the Icelandic Parliament (Althing) passed a law which gives secular life stance organizations the right to apply for equal legal status […]

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This blog is moderated

Aron and I have been debating on the internet for years.  The best discussions even on Christian sites have been moderated.  In fact as a former Christian I changed my mind about evolution on a Christian site with Aron’s help.  The quality of the discussion is important. This is not YouTube.  Bad comments are not […]

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Constant Attacks on Education

Sometimes the research I have to do is nothing short of disheartening.  This weekend that that included Mark Chancey’s report on problematic religious studies in Texas public schools. http://www.tfn.org/site/DocServer/TFNEF_ReadingWritingReligionII.pdf?docID=3481 As if that weren’t already bad enough, some Texans also want to blindly follow Louisiana’s misdirection in their attempts to undermine public education, by adopting the […]

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Are atheists more compassionate than religious people?

So there’s another study implying that the most compassionate people also tend to be atheist or barely religious, while the more religious one is, the less compassionate they’re likely to be.  Now I don’t like to reinforce negative stereotypes, but I have also seen studies implying that the more deeply religious someone is, the more likely […]

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That Dubious Dutko

Some months ago, I was on Bob Dutko’s young-earth creationism radio show.  He tried to argue that if any non-avian dinosaurs were ever discovered, that would somehow disprove evolution.  He doesn’t know how it would disprove evolution.  I think he thinks that evolution is just a story, like his own belief system is, and that […]

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on the Israeli atheist convention

A couple weeks ago, I posted to this blog a promotion for an atheist conference called MA-HA-R, “Tomorrow”, described as an Israeli Reason Rally in Tel Aviv.  One never knows how these things will turn out in advance, and I had my doubts.  When I went to the World Atheist Convention in Dublin, there were […]

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