October 22, 2024

Month: November 2012

Atheism, Geology, Politics, Young Earth Creationism

Morton’s Dementia

Back in the days of Usenet, one of the posters to Talk.Origins was a former creationist named Glenn Morton.  He is the author of a meme, Morton’s Demon which explained the sort of confirmation bias at work in the religious mindset.  This he had witnessed from within and without, and his story is an interesting […]

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Lutheran Citations

I’m going to use this forum to address a criticism made against me on YouTube.  I don’t think it warrants a video response, but neither can I properly convey my defense in comment blocks limited to 500 characters or less; especially when YouTube doesn’t allow them to be sorted and read in order, and they’ll […]

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Apologetics, Debates

No saved recording of the Bob Dutko debate

In my debate with Bob Dutko, he criticized me for not debating the existence of God -which was my choice of topics from the selection he gave.  I wish we had been able to talk about that, but instead he wasted most of that hour burning and re-building his strawman of my position while ignoring […]

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Charity, Events

MotorCops for kids toy run

Skepticon was my last conference/convention for the year, and 2012 was a great year for me:  The GAC in Australia, the Reason Rally in DC, TAM in Las Vegas, and other events in several other states.  I was on 33 airplanes this year, but I still drove to many of the rallies I attended.  I also used my 9-passenger SUV as a limo to cart around […]

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Apologetics, Debates, Uncategorized

Aron Ra vs Bob Dutko – ADDENDUM

While I was on the Bob Dutko show, he made several claims purportedly supported by peer-reviewed science.  It’s a great tactic in any format where such claims cannot be evaluated on-the-fly.  This allows superstitious showmen to misrepresent some comment in the abstract of a peer-reviewed paper such that will make creationists feel as though they […]

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Apologetics, Debates

Aron Ra vs Bob Dutko

On Monday, November 12th at noon central, I will be live on a nationally-syndicated talk-radio show debating conservative Christian, Bob Dutko on ‘the [non] Existence of God‘. WMUZ.com This should be fun.

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Atheism, Events, Podcasts

Aron Ra on Dogma Debate

Wednesday November 7th, I will be on Dogma Debate from 7:00pm to 9:00pm central [Texas] time. I’ll be on with David Smalley and Shayrah as we take live callers at 214-377-1166. Hear it live at dogmadebate.com Listeners who don’t want to call can tweet their questions/comments to the host @davidcsmalley The show will podcast to […]

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Politics, Rally, Secular

I should have promoted this event better than I did

I very much enjoyed the Secular Rally this weekend in Tallahassee, Florida.  I thought it was very well arranged.  There were plenty of good presenters, several tents and tables representing secularism, atheism, and aspects thereof.  They provided porta-potties, two food wagons, lots of amplification and recording equipment, and everything one should have considered to put […]

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