July 27, 2024

Month: January 2016

Politics, Uncategorized

Trumpless Debate Tonight

In my opinion it is always a good idea to watch a presidential debate. Even though the GOP debates have been rancorous. At least tonight we won’t have to cringe at Trump bullying Jeb Bush. More information is always better though. One of the objections I often hear that sets my teeth on edge is […]

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Politics, Social justice, Terrorism

Finicum’s Martyrdom: Why Officers need to break ranks with their own unlawful killers

The lack of justice for recent publicized cases of rogue officers murdering unarmed black people has generated widespread public mistrust of law enforcement. Mere moments after, Bundy militant LaVoy Finicum was shot for reportedly charging the FBI after trying to escape arrest in his truck. Bundy sympathizers are already trying to deify him as a martyr, who […]

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Report: Ammon Bundy and others in custody (Updated)

Raw Story is reporting that according to confirmed reports that Ammon Bundy , the leader of a hostile takeover of an Oregon bird sanctuary, and others are in custody. (Update: Dan Arel beat me to the punch) Additionally 2 people may have been shot. According to Oregon Live, these reports are based on the Youtube live […]

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discussion, Politics, TEXAS

Last Chance to Hear Out the Democrats

The Democratic Primaries are fast approaching, and time to evaluate who you want to vote for is running out. If you are a Republican vote for Trump, and make Progressives gleeful at your party’s demise. Seriously, the Democratic debates started off plodding, but the last debate in South Carolina was lively and spirited. Maybe your […]

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Cruisin’ the UAE

If you read my earlier article, Hopping through Arabian Airports, then you know how little I know I about Islam or the Arab world. That’s actually why I went to the United Arab Emirates. It was by invitation of a rich [compared to me] Arab who funded that trip. He is an unbeliever, an infidel […]

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The Cow

Last week when I was in the United Arab Emirates, someone gave me a copy of The Qur’an, a new translation by M. A. S. Abdel Haleem. I’ve already read the Avestas of Zarathustra and the Bhagavad Gita. So it’s about time I read the Qur’an as well. But I’m not having a good time […]

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Social justice

MLK: This quote is still true today

Today is of course a day to celebrate Martin Luther King’s contributions to dismantling institutionalized racism. That work is still ongoing today, as recent rulings refusing to hold police officers accountable in the shooting deaths of unarmed black people shows. Everyone quotes King’s “I have a Dream” speech about judging people by the content of […]

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Debates, Politics, Secular, Terrorism

Clinton: National Security Concerns

I have to agree with Bernie Sanders that I don’t give a damn about her damn emails, or Benghazi conspiracies either. This won’t be the type of post about some arcane conspiracy that an avid Alex Jones fan would obsess over.  Later, I will get to my concerns about Senator Bernie Sanders in the next […]

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Atheism, Politics

Rubio: Our Rights Come From God

Last night’s Republican debate was Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s next to last opportunity to pitch his candidacy to primary voters before the Iowa Caucuses on February 1st. The next debate will be in Iowa itself on January 28th. It should really come as no surprise to anyone following his campaign that for his closing sales […]

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Tentative Solution

At different points around Delhi, I saw little tent communities like this one; where people literally live on the sidewalk -but with some privacy and shelter where they can actually sleep undisturbed and go about their day, earning enough to eat at least. I saw one of these rows of tents erected along a creek, […]

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