October 24, 2024

Month: November 2015

Charity, Social justice

Secular Idea for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a campaign to break the record for 24 Hour charitable giving. Before you think, “Well, La, Dee, Da…”, it is sort of a reaction to the crass consumerism  of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. (I would like to see us break the record for Voting Tuesday, which I just made up.) Also, […]

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Look who dropped in

Something fell through the ceiling. It made quite a mess. Oh look who it is. You are adorable! I coaxed that opossum into a pet carrier and took her down to the park. I left the door open with a piece of turkey on the exit, and left it in a field by a creek […]

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Creationism’s False Equivalence

This was my lecture to the Secular Student Alliance at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, 2015/11/24. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9p3dE5C4_8[/youtube] Today I’m going to talk about creationism, also known as Intelligent Design or Creation Science –as compared and contrasted with actual science. The term creationists use to describe actual science is ‘evolutionary’ science, but they […]

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How we atheists do Thanksgiving

My friend, Vyckie Garrison posted a very sweet article on Raw Story about how atheists celebrate Thanksgiving. She asked several prominent atheists to participate, and I meant to. I don’t know what happened. I thought I sent the message, but I’m not seeing it now. Pity. I really wanted to be a part of that. […]

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Counter culture conditioned

I’m having breakfast in a hotel that plays only Frank Sinatra. Every song, Sinatra. It’s not that I hate Sinatra, but his whole genre. When I was a kid, the old fogies listened to “the rat pack”, Sinatra, Sammy, Bing and Dino. Awful stuff. Amore’ was a stupid fucking song! It was either easy-listening lounge […]

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Dallas Mayor not on the Islamophobia Bandwagon

Texas isn’t widely known for progressive policy makers, but there are a few. Texas isn’t as Red in its urban centers like Dallas, as it appears from the outside. Look at Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s fearful response to Texas accepting Syrian refugees. As was reported by Rick Cohen last Monday, Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, […]

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Sharing Thanksgiving with Syrian Refugees

Obviously not in the way the original colonists, many refugees from religious persecution, did to the indigenous peoples of the Americas.  But like Abraham Lincoln did on the first official Thanksgiving in celebration and gratitude  that Gettysburg, the deciding battle of the American Civil War was over. Although the Syrian Civil War ravaging people’s lives is […]

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