July 27, 2024

Month: October 2014


Can’t call it ‘Islamophobia’ anymore

I should thank this speaker, Fahah Ullah Queresh for explaining that we needn’t worry about offending moderate Muslims – because there aren’t any; they all self-identify as unreasonable homophobic misogynists endorsing excessively morbidly violent reactions to what they say are ‘offenses’, but which don’t even count as crimes in civilized society. It’s also important to […]

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Scott Lane on the Ra-Men

The summary of tonight’s podcast is that Scott Lane has a son in a Louisiana elementary school -“-where the state government fosters creationism and religious proselytization in schools.  One of the test questions asked [something along the lines of] “Isn’t it wonderful what the ______ has done?”  Lane’s son couldn’t have guessed that the answer […]

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On this date, once upon a time…

I would just like to point out that 52 years ago, on October 15th 1962, my existence was documented in a small Arizona hospital that was later converted into a jail. John Fitzgerald Kennedy was president of what was then the most scientifically advanced country – in world that still had not been to the […]

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I wouldn’t say I loved Lucy

I’m doing a movie review AFTER everyone else has seen the damned thing.  Can you believe, I couldn’t get anyone in my family to go see Lucy with me?  I finally saw it on my own alone at a dollar movie. Why wouldn’t anyone see it with me?  Because it wasn’t remotely real.  We seem […]

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My schedule at the moment

I just confirmed my flights for the Unholy Trinity Down Under.  I tried to arrange an overnight stop in Los Angeles, but that would have cost another $800.00.  So when I board Quantas in DFW, I won’t get off that plane until two days later, once I’m on the other side of the world.  That […]

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