July 26, 2024

Tag: South Carolina

Debates, Politics, Secular, Terrorism

Clinton: National Security Concerns

I have to agree with Bernie Sanders that I don’t give a damn about her damn emails, or Benghazi conspiracies either. This won’t be the type of post about some arcane conspiracy that an avid Alex Jones fan would obsess over.  Later, I will get to my concerns about Senator Bernie Sanders in the next […]

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Atheism, Politics

Rubio: Our Rights Come From God

Last night’s Republican debate was Florida Senator Marco Rubio’s next to last opportunity to pitch his candidacy to primary voters before the Iowa Caucuses on February 1st. The next debate will be in Iowa itself on January 28th. It should really come as no surprise to anyone following his campaign that for his closing sales […]

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Diversity, Media

Fox: South Carolina Attack on Faith not Race

When are the major media outlets going to call Dylann Storm Roof a terrorist for killing and terrorizing nine Black people? Fox News is appropriating this terrorist hate crime against a historic Black community church as an “attack on faith” instead. “Extraordinarily, they called it a hate crime,” Fox News host Steve Doocy noted. “Some […]

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