February 9, 2025

Tag: Bernie sanders


Joycelyn Elders Approves of Sander’s Marijuana Legalization Plan

Former Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders is most known for taking stances such as support for comprehensive sex education that included education on masturbation that were not just controversial with the general public, but during the Clinton administration as well. She also received disapproval during her tenure for saying that marijuana legalization should be studied. A pediatrician, […]

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Politics, Social justice

Not feeling ya…Bern

I assure you I am talking about areas as a supporter and voter where I don’t “Feel the Bern” in ways that are intellectual. New Hampshire and Super Tuesday primaries are fast approaching. Perhaps what the Iowa Caucus statistical tie is showing us is how much difficulty Democrats are having choosing between Hillary Clinton and […]

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discussion, Politics, TEXAS

Last Chance to Hear Out the Democrats

The Democratic Primaries are fast approaching, and time to evaluate who you want to vote for is running out. If you are a Republican vote for Trump, and make Progressives gleeful at your party’s demise. Seriously, the Democratic debates started off plodding, but the last debate in South Carolina was lively and spirited. Maybe your […]

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Debates, Politics, Secular, Terrorism

Clinton: National Security Concerns

I have to agree with Bernie Sanders that I don’t give a damn about her damn emails, or Benghazi conspiracies either. This won’t be the type of post about some arcane conspiracy that an avid Alex Jones fan would obsess over.  Later, I will get to my concerns about Senator Bernie Sanders in the next […]

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