July 27, 2024

Month: June 2014


Unholy Trinity Tour Last Stop: San Antonio Tomorrow

There is some speculation on just who resembles who in the Unholy Trinity.  Most people think that Aron resembles Satan himself. Even Ken Ham pointed out that he thinks Aron looks Satanic.  You could make a case for the other 2 in the tour Seth Andrews or Matt Dillahunty. How does anyone know what Satan […]

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Isn’t this an amazing image? I saw this on Twitter, and had to talk about it.  I am impressed that this can be an electron photograph. It has color and shadow. How?  I wouldn’t have thought that possible. But most amazing is what it is, a T4 bacteriophage, a virus which infects E.coli.  Why is […]

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I will be hosting a workshop at Apostacon. This will be the first one I’ve ever done. So helpful suggestions will be appreciated. I will present a series of faith-based woo arguments and explain the philosophy or fallacy behind them.  We will share the arguments we’ve heard, these Points Refuted A Thousand Times, and compare […]

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Feuerstein’s folly

I never heard of Joshua Feuerstein before a couple weeks ago, when the BBC asked my opinion of his viral video. I contributed my bit to their trending News Magazine, but the video below only used a few seconds of that 30 minute interview. Before they posted this video, I got an email apologizing that […]

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Weighing in on Godzilla

Hey Hollywood, would it kill ya to have a science adviser when doing science fiction? Let me preface the rest of my rant with the admission that I have always been a Godzilla fan.  I wasn’t really a fan of kaiju, (giant Japanese monsters) only Godzilla himself.  He was my hero as a boy, and […]

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What’s with all this pointless posturing?

What is wrong with these fundie types that they think the way to challenge someone to debate is to insult them? When will they learn that all this huffing and bluffing and puffing up can’t work on someone like me?  And I mean, not on any level.  This guy thinks I’ll respond to him because […]

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