January 22, 2025

Some folks never learn

The infamous charlatan “Dr” Kent Hovind (with a worthless mail-order PhD) is opening another “Dinosaur Adventure Land”, this time in Alabama. Somehow hucksters like him always find rubes to donate money and property to keep lying in the guise of education. Otherwise he’d have to sell used cars, wonder drugs, or multi-level marketing schemes. As one of his predecessors said, “There’s a sucker born every minute”. Hovind says that Alabama public schools have already agreed to schedule field trips of elementary children to his propaganda park to learn the “accurate science” that the world was created by magic according to the Wholly Fable 6,000 years ago. So I’ve notified a few friends in other orgs to see whether we can send this convicted fraud back to jail.

[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQoIaaj8wgw[/youtube]

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