July 27, 2024

Month: May 2018


Unfulfilling Prophecies

When trying to reason with Biblical literalists, they’ll say their Bible is historically accurate even though the best they can show is that only some of the people and places mentioned in those fables were real; which of course they would be since fictional stories are usually set in real places and often mention famous […]

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Atheist States

Some religious propagandists like to pretend that they are just and good and righteous and that anyone who believes differently is somehow inherently evil, especially if we don’t have any faith-based beliefs at all. As if none of us have ever done anything good, which of course means they have to ignore all the good […]

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Not suitable for all advertisers?

YouTube’s changes in policy caused a few of my older videos to be demonetized as “not suitable for all advertisers”. Among them, this video below correcting the pervasive lies that Darwin was a racist eugenicist and that Hitler was an atheist Darwinist. Of course the reverse is true, but believers don’t want to know that, […]

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