July 27, 2024

Month: May 2017


The Pot Calling the Silverware Black

Last night I went to a debate between my friend, Dr Zachary Moore and Dr Ray Bohlin, a creationist with Probe Ministries, which is connected to the Discovery Institute. The topic was “Is Intelligent Design Science”, so it was an easy win for Zach. This matter was settled in the 2005 case of Kitzmiller v […]

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The Pro-Truth Pledge

On the 67th episode of the Ra-Men, I interviewed Prof Gleb Tsipursky PhD regarding a project he co-founded and which I find personally intriguing. I asked Dr Tsipursky to write a blurb for this podcast, and this is what he shared with me: We will talk about the Pro-Truth Pledge, whose purpose is to reverse the tide […]

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Orwellian Legislative Duplicity on HB 1485

When my wife and I testified against HB 1485 before the House Education Committee at the State Capital, there were a number of other witnesses who’s comments need to be noted, addressed, and corrected. [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYPfh-dpsP4[/youtube] When the bill’s author, Representative Valoree Swanson says she wants to provide “academic freedom” for teachers, what she really means […]

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Legislators want “academic freedom” to lie to students

As I explained in a previous post, the Texas State Board of Education recently considered including language in their science standards that would have allowed teachers to cite anti-science apologetics whenever they didn’t want to teach real science. So instead of teaching evolution, teachers could promote their own personal belief in creationism instead. The Republican […]

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I’m testifying at the State Capitol

A couple weeks ago, my wife, Lilandra and I once again testified before the Texas State Board of Education. They were still considering including language in the science standards that was designed to undermine teaching of evolution. This language would have encouraged ignorant teachers to cite anti-science apologetics instead of teaching anyone what the theory […]

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