July 27, 2024

Month: February 2017



In my previous post, I trolled the toll-free number on a one of those gospel billboards purporting to be about “truth”. You can listen to that call here. I spoke with an operator named Philip. I challenged him to point out even one thing in the Bible that he could show to be true and […]

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I had a short speaking tour of Florida, giving a Darwin Day presentation in Orlando, Fort Lauderdale, and Fort Myers, and we recorded three episodes of The Place while passing through Pensacola. So we took a road trip out of Texas, through Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. Along the way, I kept seeing these billboards pleading […]

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Aron Ra State Senate Campaign Donations

I have a certified public accountant registered with the Texas Ethics Commission as my campaign treasurer. Together we opened a separate bank account specifically for my 2018 run for State Senate, District 2, and I have a website linking to a PayPal account where I can finally begin accepting campaign donations. I hate that it […]

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Our Call to Congress to Impeach Trump was Simple

My husband Aron Ra and I had no trouble today calling the House Judiciary Committee about our concerns with Donald Trump. It was our first call that got through to an official.  Despite my phone anxiety, the process was not anything to worry about.  The phone person was polite but I did have to ask if I could […]

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Is there a good reason not to file for Trump’s impeachment?

With the metaphorical Doomsday Clock clicking just 2;30 minutes to nuclear destruction, is there a good reason out there not to start the impeachment proceedings against Trump? Let’s examine a couple of the reasons the House of Representatives maybe hasn’t started the bureaucratic wheels of impeachment ever so slowly grinding on this issue as the clock ticks away. […]

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Politically opinionated

I don’t like to share my political opinions because so many of them require explanation and some also require a prior understanding. Those with neither think I don’t have either. It also requires a willingness to understand, which a lot of my critics simply do not have. Sadly too many people, both on the left […]

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