October 22, 2024

Month: September 2013



I just came from Apostacon. Kudos to the Pastafarians of Omaha.  I thought they ran a really good conference. How often does it happen -that you upload a video to YouTube, and within a couple hours of posting, it’s already on the news?

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Can you believe this is still going on?

This last Tuesday, I found myself once again in Austin taking part in the media circus and associated freak show that is the creation/evolution debate still being presented before the heavily-creationist state board of education. People living outside the US may find it difficult to believe that this debate is still going on, that it […]

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How bad it is on Texas’ textbook review board

These are some of the most notable nominees on the Texas textbook review board: Walter Bradley was an engineer who coauthored a book, The Mystery of Life’s Origins, which essentially launched the “intelligent design” movement. He and Raymond Bohlin of Probe Ministries are both associated fellows of the Discovery Institute. Another engineer, Richard White, and […]

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What [secular] Women Want

Feminatheist Sheila Blackadder, (formerly on the EB of the Secular Party of America) Courtney Caldwell (cultofcourtney) and Ashley Paramore (HealthyAddict) formerly of the Secular Student Alliance- join Lilandra and Shannon Nebo, (and myself as well) to discuss ‘what women want’ with regard to the secular movement. No spoilers, but tonight’s topic will include controversial conflicts […]

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Friday Sept 20th – Sun Sept 22nd I will be in a far off exotic location, Omaha Nebraska. I’m going for a free-thinking skeptics event called Apostacon.  The speakers line-up looks good, and the hotel looks REALLY nice!  But the folks putting the event together are a little loopy I think. First off, the event […]

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Back to the textbook trenches in Texas

Next week, Tuesday Sept 17th, I will be in Austin once again, testifying before a panel reviewing and revising our science standards.  They’re good as they are, no revision necessary. So guess who’s trying to change them and why. Once again, I will be speaking to a panel of religious ideologues determined not to listen, […]

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How is secular humanist governance better than theocracy?

Occasionally I’ll get a PM that I think warrants a public reply.  The questions recently posed to me by quranresponse are a good example: I am talking to you now, as smart atheist manwomen I want to see your opinion how can atheism solve the world problem Atheists are simply people who are not convinced […]

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A Complimentary Compilation of Quotes

  People say, if there is no God, what is the meaning of life? My response to that is, what is the meaning of God? Because whether anyone’s god exists or not is irrelevant. Either way, we are arrogant, vain, but still evolving apes, and all our sacred scriptures are just man-made mythology. Confirming God’s […]

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