July 26, 2024

Tag: Oregon

Politics, Social justice, Terrorism

Finicum’s Martyrdom: Why Officers need to break ranks with their own unlawful killers

The lack of justice for recent publicized cases of rogue officers murdering unarmed black people has generated widespread public mistrust of law enforcement. Mere moments after, Bundy militant LaVoy Finicum was shot for reportedly charging the FBI after trying to escape arrest in his truck. Bundy sympathizers are already trying to deify him as a martyr, who […]

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Report: Ammon Bundy and others in custody (Updated)

Raw Story is reporting that according to confirmed reports that Ammon Bundy , the leader of a hostile takeover of an Oregon bird sanctuary, and others are in custody. (Update: Dan Arel beat me to the punch) Additionally 2 people may have been shot. According to Oregon Live, these reports are based on the Youtube live […]

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