July 27, 2024

Tag: Arrested


Unlawful Arrest of Shia LaBeouf for responding to “Fighting Words” from a Neo-Nazi

Shia  LaBeouf was arrested today and charged with assault and harassment over a scuffle that involved shoving and grabbing the scarf of a Neo-Nazi. The Neo-Nazi  proclaimed on LeBeouf’s performance art livestream that,”Hitler did nothing wrong.” The incident is one of a few high-profile cases where Neo-Nazis are pushing the boundaries of free speech. What often happens is critics will […]

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Report: Ammon Bundy and others in custody (Updated)

Raw Story is reporting that according to confirmed reports that Ammon Bundy , the leader of a hostile takeover of an Oregon bird sanctuary, and others are in custody. (Update: Dan Arel beat me to the punch) Additionally 2 people may have been shot. According to Oregon Live, these reports are based on the Youtube live […]

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