July 27, 2024

Month: January 2019


To the Indiana State Senate

Hi, I’m Aron Ra, Director of the Phylogeny Explorer Project, Regional Director of American Atheists, and author of Foundational Falsehoods of Creationism. This video is an open letter to Indiana State Senators, Dennis Kruse and Scott Schneider, and any other legislators who promote teaching “various theories on the origin of life, including creationism” in public […]

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An Infidel reads the Qur’an, Chapters 96, 68 and 73

I’m starting a new experimental video series wherein I’ll read a few chapters of the Qur’an and post my impressions of that here. Then I’ll get on a Google Hangout with some ex-Muslim apostates or preferably practicing Muslims and maybe others who are familiar with the Hadiths and the way that these scriptures are understood […]

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