July 27, 2024

Month: July 2017


The Largest Gathering of Ex-Muslims in History

Since at least October, I had been planning to attend the International Conference on Freedom of Conscience and Expression in London this month. It was called “the Glastonbury of Freethinkers”. I gather that Glastonbury is to the Brits what Woodstock is to Americans. This looked like the event to attend! There were so many speakers! […]

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How Aron Ra Disproves Noah’s Flood

I’m embarrassed for my country that a playlist like this is even necessary. But Answers In Genesis and their Noah’s Ark Park, as well as many other anti-science apologists in every level of our national government prove that, yes, we really do have to point out and explain things that are this impossibly silly and […]

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Irreducible Irrationalism

Whenever some believer wants to have a protracted discussion in private, it’s frustrating for me because they expect me to go through all this trouble to re-educate that one person alone, only to then see them stick their fingers in their ears, and then I can’t use that discussion as evidence against them. This is […]

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